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Ore deposit formation is a complex natural phenomenon requiring a multidisciplinary research approach. My research group studies the geochemistry and mineralogy of ore-forming systems, including their evolution and their links to magmatism, tectonics and climate. We focus on both fossil and active systems, and we combine field studies with a variety of tools including microanalytical methods (e.g., EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, SIMS, synchrotron techniques), radiogenic, cosmogenic and stable isotope tracers, and computational models. My research interests are varied and include:




- Geochemistry of ore deposits and geothermal systems

2015-present: Full Professor 

University of Chile, Santiago

- Sulfide, oxide & silicate geochemistry and nanogeoscience

- Geochemical and climatic controls of supergene metal deposits

- Applications of stable, radiogenic and cosmogenic isotope tracers

- Diffusion and kinetics of mass transfer processes in minerals

2011-2015: Associate Professor (tenured)

University of Chile, Santiago

2007-2011: Assistant Professor 

University of Chile, Santiago

2002-2006: Ph.D. in Geology 

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

1994-2001: B.Sc. and Professional Geologist Degree 

University of Concepción, Chile

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